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The Ultimate Matchmaking Experience: OnMyBehalf

Introducing a fresh take on dating apps.

Gone are the days of endless swiping through mismatched profiles. OnMyBehalf blends cutting-edge technology with invaluable insights from those who know you best.

Our unique approach? We empower you to harness a tool no other dating app offers – the wisdom of your friends and family. Drawing from their insights, OnMyBehalf creates a transformative online dating experience. Every match you encounter is handpicked by your inner circle.

Begin your love journey with confidence. Trust OnMyBehalf to pave the way for genuine connections, curated by those who care about your happiness.

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From Our Founder

I was a very imaginative child. My young mind was primed with the vibrant hues of Disney movies produced around two key themes: true love and the supernatural. I couldn’t get enough of the awe-inspiring adventures that these characters would navigate to thwart evil and fight for the ones that they love. From a young age, I was captivated by the idea of love as an enduring force. This early fascination ignited a belief in me: every person deserves a chance at a deeply meaningful relationship.

During those formative years (because of various sickly family members) hospitals became a familiar backdrop. At 5 years old, I remember gazing in wonder at the doctors running with their white coats billowing like capes. In my young eyes, they were more than just humans; they were superheroes. They possessed a power that transcended the ordinary – the power to heal. This indelible image further fueled my determination; I had to be one of them.

This childhood fascination, my ambition, and the desire to serve led me on the path to becoming a family medicine physician. Just as my laborious road to becoming a doctor was paved with the unwavering support of my loved ones, I recognize that finding love can be a journey fraught with uncertainties requiring the same type of support and encouragement.

Love for a lot of us can be elusive and navigating the dating world isn’t easy. I’ve tried my fair share of dating apps and I’ve seen some incredibly successful friends remain single for various reasons – some too shy, some too busy, and some simply hesitant about the online dating scene.

Life’s most beautiful connections often start with a helping hand. So many of us have handed over our phones and said, “You swipe for me” or asked a trusted loved one to create a profile for us. Their stories and my own, gave birth to OnMyBehalf. It’s a platform that mirrors the support system that carried me through my medical journey. It’s about swiping together, making the path to meaningful connections less daunting and more collaborative. It’s not about fairytales, but about creating a genuine platform that bridges the gap between digital connections and the meaningful introductions we get from friends. It’s about making sure that everyone has a shot at finding companionship in a way that feels authentic and approachable.

Join me on this mission, let’s make meaningful connections accessible to all. Let’s redefine how we approach dating, together.