OnMyBehalf Dating App California
Your Gateway to
Genuine Connections

Swipe, chat, and meet real singles with the only California dating app that matches you with compatible partners through your loved ones, family and friends.

Your Answer to Finding Authentic Connections in California

While navigating popular dating apps in California can be overwhelming, OnMyBehalf offers a more secure and authentic alternative. If you’re looking for genuine connections, trying to find them randomly can be difficult.

So what makes OnMyBehalf one of the best dating apps in California? Our platform sets you up with potential partners through your most trusted family and friends.

Swipe to connect. Chat to get to know each other. Date people who are vetted and vouched for by the people you love the most.

Our Main Features

Discover why our unique matchmaking model makes OnMyBehalf stand out as one of the best dating sites in California.

A Freemium App

Signing up for OnMyBehalf won’t cost you a thing. Simply set up your profile, invite trusted friends to swipe on potential matches, or even try your hand at matchmaking for somebody you love, all at no cost.

Unparalleled Matchmaking

OnMyBehalf is different from other dating sites in California for one reason – the people you know do the matchmaking for you. Invite your friends to swipe on your behalf. The more you invite, the bigger your network, and the greater chance you have of meeting someone who’s pre-vetted by the people who know you best.

Secure and Private

OnMyBehalf Matchmakers are invite-only – your friends must be invited before they can start swiping for you. Each user’s friends can vouch for the authenticity of their profile. Find someone who shares your values (and that your friends approve of) without having to worry about security issues or dating scams.

Ready For Love? Join the Best Dating App California Offers Today

Tired of dating apps that are all swipe and no swoon? OnMyBehalf’s approach to matchmaking makes it easier for you to connect, chat, and meet eligible singles with the backing of your friends and family.

If you’re not sure about somebody, then don’t worry – swipe “Maybe” and you can come back to them once you’ve asked your friends to tell you more about them.

How Our Matchmaking Process Works

Where other California dating websites leave matching in your hands, OnMyBehalf creates a safer and more supportive dating environment with the help of your friends and family.

Here’s our five-step matchmaking process:


Download the App

The OnMyBehalf app is available for iOS and Android, and it’s 100% free to download. Get our California dating apps directly from our website or search for “OnMyBehalf” in Google Play or the App Store.


Sign up as a Date or a Matchmaker

Most California online dating sites only offer one option – sign up as a dater.

OnMyBehalf offers two.

You can sign up to date and invite friends and family into your network so they can vet other dates on your behalf, or you can become a Matchmaker and send singles’ profiles for your friends to check out. Sign up to either quickly using your Facebook or Google+ account.


Create a Profile

All free dating sites in California need profiles. OnMyBehalf is no different. Create your profile as a dater or matchmaker once you’ve signed up. Remember – the more details and photos you provide, the higher the chances of somebody swiping “Yes!”


Match & Connect

We make online dating in California easy. Let your friends scour the dating profiles in the app to find people that they feel would be a perfect match for you. Swipe, connect, chat, play games, and enjoy learning more about the people you meet online.


Start Dating

With OnMyBehalf you can date before you meet. Send flowers or even gifts to your connections to show them you’re interested. Once when you’re ready, use the best dating website Los Angeles has to offer to set up an in-person meeting.

Join the Best Dating App in California

Swipe, connect, and date, but with a twist – do it all with the support of your friends. Start your journey toward a meaningful relationship with somebody who the people who know you best feel is a great match for you.

Or be the matchmaker for your friends and help them to find love in all of the right places. Download the OnMyBehalf app today and try dating with a difference.