Dating Safety Tips by OnMyBehalf

OnMyBehalf prioritizes online dating safety. It’s why we have a system that allows your friends and family to vet profiles before you match – a network helps keeps you safe and prevents scammers from getting to you.

We believe in empowering everyone to date safely, regardless of the app they use. So, we’ve crafted this guide to share handy tips, ensuring you can fully enjoy the excitement of dating while maintaining your safety.

Online Dating Safety

Online dating is a fun way to meet singles near you and form connections, but it can also be a source of scams when you’re not wary about the people behind the profiles with which you match. Anonymity and a lack of verification in some apps can open you up to danger. Use these online dating safety tips to keep yourself safe.

Choose a Secure Dating Platform

This is one of the most important safety tips for online dating – find a platform that prioritizes security. Take OnMyBehalf for example. Every profile suggested to you is pre-vetted by us and your approved matchmakers to reduce the chances of fraud. Other platforms use methods like selfie verification or asking for bank details, even when they’re free to confirm the dater’s identity. These security measures need to be in place to make the experience positive for everyone.

Create a Safe Profile

Follow the rules for online dating safety when creating your profile. Don’t share any information that could help somebody figure out where you live. Keep financial and personal details (such as your phone number) out of your profile. It’s about striking a balance – tell people enough about yourself and your interests to intrigue them without sharing specifics that could help them find you.

Never Share Personal Information

The rules of online dating safety advise that you never share any personal information beyond the basics – your interests, hobbies, and passions in life. Even something as simple as sharing a Snapchat name or email address opens you up to people who could use those details to find out information you don’t want to share.

Use OnMyBehalf’s Secure Messaging​

OnMyBehalf’s secure messaging system works because every profile with which you match is pre-vetted by your friends and family. That improves safety when online dating – every profile has a network of matchmakers to vouch for it. Beyond that, our security policies ensure that the messages you send on our platform are never shared with any of our partners.

Watch Out for Scammers​

Scammers tend to break online dating rules quickly. Examples include trying to get you to click on links to external websites and asking for personal details before you’ve established a connection. Be wary of anybody who wants to take communication away from the platform you’re using – you can set up a date on the platform without sharing your phone number.

Do Your Research​

Look into the person behind the profile. Look for their social media profiles (searching their name on Facebook is a good idea) and ask them to do a video chat before you meet up. Your goal is simple – verify that they are who they say they are before you agree to an in-person date.

Online Safety Resources​

Many resources cover safety in online dating to help if you’re feeling wary. Internet Matters and the Online Dating Association are both great examples. They offer more tips to keep you safe and have communities of people who can help you spot red flags you may miss when chatting.

Meeting In Person

When transitioning from online to in-person dating, maintaining safety is paramount. Even if you’ve adhered to all the online dating safety protocols and feel comfortable meeting face-to-face, it’s crucial to continue prioritizing your well-being.

Here are some key safety tips for in-person meetings:


Preparing for the First Date

Tell at least one friend where you’re going and make sure your phone is fully charged so you’re ready to make a call if you need to get away.

Choose a Public Location

Never meet somebody for the first time in an intimate one-on-one setting. Choose somewhere public, like a park or restaurant, so you’re always visible.



Personal Safety Practices

Follow these dating safety practices:

  • Carry an external phone charger so you can always make calls.
  • Use ride-share apps so you have a shareable record of where you go.
  • Text friends to tell them what you’re doing.

Sexual Health and Consent

Mutual consent in all sexual matters is essential to safe online dating – don’t allow anybody to force you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable. Should you want to take your date to the next level, learn more about sexual health and consent from organizations like the American Sexual Health Association and The Trevor Project.



After the Date

Check in with friends or family when you come home from the date. Then, spend some time reflecting. Did you have fun? Did your date say anything inappropriate or try to encourage you to do something when you expressed discomfort? Think about any red flags they displayed – paying attention to the seemingly “little” things is one of the most essential tips for online dating safety.

Resources for Help, Support or Advice​

All OnMyBehalf users have access to our customer support team, which can provide resources for safer online dating.

OnMyBehalf’s Customer Support

OnMyBehalf supports safe dating practices with our vetting system that’s designed to keep fake profiles and scammers away. If you have any questions about our security measures or safer online dating in general, you can contact us using the button below.

External Support and Resources

Reinforce and build on every online dating tip in this article by researching online safety and mental health support services, such as the following:

Stay Safe When Dating Online

Awareness is key for online dating safety.

Avoid sharing personal information on your profile and look for the tell-tale signs of scams – linking away from the dating platform and asking for personal details too soon. When meeting somebody, always keep your phone charged and let people know where you’re going. Stay in public places. Don’t do anything that you don’t feel comfortable doing.

And remember – OnMyBehalf’s customer support team is ready to help if you have any questions about staying safe when dating online.