Meet Local Singles Near You

Find Genuine
Connections Near You

Searching for “singles near me”? OnMyBehalf is the number one place to meet local singles, start your love journey, and feel safe and secure knowing that you have help from your family and friends.

Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of Meeting Singles Near You

Typing “singles near me” into Google and hoping for the best doesn’t work in the local dating scene. There are tons of people looking for love. You might not be able to connect with all of them, but you can connect with the best of them with OnMyBehalf.

Our unique matchmaking platform lets you invite friends and family to vet local singles and choose the ones who they think are the perfect match for you.

Embark on a Local Dating Adventure!

Timing is everything when you’re looking for local dating opportunities. Even if you get this right, it can sometimes feel tough to approach the people you like or figure out how to make your schedules align so you can meet.

OnMyBehalf makes this process easy by turning those challenges into dating opportunities. Meeting singles is easier with OnMyBehalf because you have your loved ones vetting and suggesting matches for you.

Let them scour the dating landscape with you, leaving you with more time to forge connections with people who share your interests, lifestyle and values.

Our Compatibility Matching System – The Difference Maker

OnMyBehalf’s innovative compatibility matching system simplifies your search for “local singles near me,” all thanks to the insights of the people who know you best—your friends and family!

Invite your loved ones to step into the role of matchmakers. They’ll be on the lookout for individuals who resonate with your energy, personality, and lifestyle, ensuring a harmonious match. When they spot someone who shares your interests, they’ll suggest high-quality matches, paving the way for you to forge meaningful connections with those who truly complement what you bring to the table.

How Our Dating App Helps You Meet Local Singles Safely and Efficiently

Reliable. Secure. Effortless. These are the essentials when you’re on the quest to “meet singles near me,” and guess what? OnMyBehalf brings you all these and a sprinkle of fun with our dating app! Curious? Let us guide you on how:

Creating a High-Quality Dating Profile

Sign up as a “Dater” with OnMyBehalf and take the first step to compiling a detailed and authentic profile. Share what makes you unique – your passions, your interests, and your personality. Tell people who you are and what you’re interested in, and support it all with high-quality photos that improve your chances of somebody else’s “Matchmakers” suggesting you to their loved ones.

Advanced Filters for Your Specific Needs

Tailor your experience to your needs with advanced filters you can use to direct your family and friends to find “single men near me” or “single women near me.” Set distances. Define interests. Tell your people what you’re looking for so they can go out and search.

Chat, Connect, and Meet Local Singles in Real-Time

As a “Dater,” you’re not just creating a profile; you’re opening a gateway to chat, connect, and meet local singles who share your passions and interests. With the buzz of real-time interactions, every message becomes a stepping stone to a potential match, and every connection brings you closer to discovering like-minded singles in your area. So, why wait? Dive in and let the real-time adventure of meeting local singles unfold!

Local Places to Meet Up Safely

You’ve spent some time chatting and now you’re ready to meet a local single near you. Our advice: keep it safe and public. Coffee shops. Parks. Bars. They’re all perfect places for your first meetup so you can stay safe when you take your connection away from the app.

Take Control of Your Dating Journey Today

With OnMyBehalf there’s no need to search for “women near me” or “men near me” online — take control of your search for singles. Supported by your friends and family, you can make looking for high-quality local singles a fun experience.

Ready to Meet Singles Near You? Sign Up Today!

Searching for “single women near me” or “single men near me”? OnMyBehalf is the free and effective way to find singles, all vetted by the people who know you best – your friends and family.

Sign up now and start making connections with singles who match your vibe and want what you want from a relationship.

Our Commitment to Your Dating Success

Our commitment to your dating success is simple – OnMyBehalf offers a safe and high-quality local dating site created to help you match with singles recommended by your most trusted friends and family.